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News Release

MTC Seeks Community-Based Organizations to Assist With Outreach

OAKLAND, CA  The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), in partnership with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), invites community-based, not-for-profit, non-governmental or faith-based organizations (“Organizations”) to submit a proposal to assist MTC in inviting members of the community to participate in the development of the 2013 Sustainable Communities Strategy/Regional Transportation Plan (SCS/RTP) for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.

Organizations in low-income communities and communities of color with a high probability for housing growth and development that could cause displacement of existing residents are particularly encouraged to submit a proposal. Selected Organizations will hold meetings or utilize other techniques to engage residents in their communities in 2011 and 2012 (subject to available budget in those years). Up to 10 separate contracts may be awarded.

Participants will be consulted on issues such as Bay Area growth, location of housing to accommodate future population growth, and the transportation network necessary to support the needs of all residents.

“These community meetings will provide a forum for new ideas and creative approaches to solutions for the challenges the Bay Area faces in coming years,” said MTC Chair Scott Haggerty. “We need to provide for a healthy and safe environment with equitable opportunities for all Bay Area residents as we accommodate projected population growth.”

To view the Request for Proposal (RFP) with additional background information, minimum qualifications, scope of work and selection timetable, go to Note that requests for clarification of or exceptions to RFP provisions must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Feb. 4, and all proposals are due on Feb. 16 by no later than 4 p.m. For further information, contact Pam Grove, project manager, at (510) 8170-5706 or

MTC is the transportation planning, coordinating and financing agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. ABAG is the regional planning agency for the nine counties and 101 cities and towns of the San Francisco Bay region. For additional information about the region’s SCS/RTP strategy, go to Sign up to receive future updates from OneBayArea at


Pam Grove: (415) 778-6706

Catalina Alvarado: (510) 817-5783